distinguish between monocot and uedicots stems

1 answer

Monocot stems and dicot stems have several differences:

1. Vascular bundles: In monocot stems, vascular bundles are scattered throughout the stem. In dicot stems, vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.

2. Arrangement of tissues: Monocot stem tissue is arranged in circular layers, with no distinct cortex or pith. Dicot stems have a cortex, pith, and distinct layers of tissue.

3. Growth: Monocot stems have weak secondary growth, and their stems remain herbaceous. Dicot stems have strong secondary growth, which can produce wood and allow the stem to become woody.

4. Leaf arrangement: Monocot stems usually have leaves with parallel veins, while dicot stems have leaves with branching veins.

5. Root system: Monocot stems usually have a fibrous root system while dicot stems typically have a taproot system.

6. Seed structure: Monocot stems typically have a single cotyledon or embryonic leaf in their seed while the dicot stem has two.