Monocot and eudicot stems are two types of plant stems found in angiosperms (flowering plants). They differ in a number of ways:
1. Anatomy: Monocot stems have scattered vascular bundles (bundles of xylem and phloem), while eudicot stems have a ring of vascular bundles. Monocot stems also lack secondary growth (lateral growth of stems) while eudicots have it.
2. Shape: Monocots have a circular or cylindrical-shaped stem, while eudicot stems are usually angular or ridged.
3. Leaf Venation: Monocot stems have leaves with parallel venation, while eudicot stems have leaves with branched venation.
4. Root System: Monocot plants have fibrous root systems, while eudicots have a taproot system.
5. Flower Parts: Monocot plants have flower parts in threes, while eudicot plants have flower parts in fours or fives.
6. Secondary Growth: Eudicots have a secondary growth pattern, whereas monocots don't have a secondary growth pattern.
Distinguish between monocot and eudicot stem
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