Disruptions of the Cell Cycle Quick Check
7 answers
Disruptions of the cell cycle can occur due to a variety of factors, including genetic mutations, environmental stressors, and certain medications. These disruptions can lead to a variety of issues, including cell death, uncontrolled cell growth, and the development of cancer.
There are many points during the cell cycle when the process of division may stop because of a problem. Sometimes the process doesn't stop. Summarize the function of apoptosis in the cell cycle.
to destroy damaged or old cells -----
When mutated cells ignore checkpoints, they reproduce uncontrollably, forming tumors. During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell divide into two cells?
M -----
Some cells ignore cell cycle checkpoints and continue to grow and divide uncontrollably despite cellular or genetic damage. What disease may directly result from such behavior?
cancer -----
Summarize the function of checkpoints in the cell cycle.
Checkpoints stop the cell cycle when errors are detected. -----
A cell contains DNA damage that causes it to undergo apoptosis before reaching mitosis. This cell had twice the amount of DNA for a cell of this type. During which checkpoint did this cell trigger apoptosis?
G2 Checkpoint -----
to destroy damaged or old cells -----
When mutated cells ignore checkpoints, they reproduce uncontrollably, forming tumors. During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell divide into two cells?
M -----
Some cells ignore cell cycle checkpoints and continue to grow and divide uncontrollably despite cellular or genetic damage. What disease may directly result from such behavior?
cancer -----
Summarize the function of checkpoints in the cell cycle.
Checkpoints stop the cell cycle when errors are detected. -----
A cell contains DNA damage that causes it to undergo apoptosis before reaching mitosis. This cell had twice the amount of DNA for a cell of this type. During which checkpoint did this cell trigger apoptosis?
G2 Checkpoint -----
Um, okay, how do you expect people to answer you're question... when there is no question...?
your right 5/5 100%
you suck
just trying to help idk how to make this stuff work I want to give answers not ask for them and the questions haven't been asked so I'm just trying to give what i didn't get
sorry @Cheerios!?