Sure, here is an example of displaying data practice based on Unit 9 - Lesson 2:
You have been given a dataset containing information about the number of products sold in a store each day. The dataset includes the following columns: Date, Product Name, Units Sold, and Revenue Generated. Your task is to display the data in a meaningful and organized way for analysis.
To display the data, you can create a table with the following columns: Date, Product Name, Units Sold, and Revenue Generated. You can then fill in the table with the data provided in the dataset.
Here is an example of how the table may look:
| Date | Product Name | Units Sold | Revenue Generated |
| 2021-01-01 | Product A | 100 | $500 |
| 2021-01-01 | Product B | 50 | $250 |
| 2021-01-02 | Product A | 120 | $600 |
| 2021-01-02 | Product B | 60 | $300 |
You can continue adding rows to the table based on the data provided in the dataset. This table will allow you to analyze the sales data, identify trends, and make informed decisions based on the information presented.
Displaying data practice unit 9 lesson 2
1 answer