Discussion for Similarity Discussion

You have learned about the following topics:

writing ratios and using them to solve problems
identifying similar polygons
solving problems that involve a scale factor or a scale drawing
identifying similarity transformations
proving that two triangles are similar
using similarity to find unknown triangle measurements
finding and using relationships in similar right triangles
finding the geometric mean

Reflect on each of these topics and answer two of the following questions:
Which topic in this unit do you feel the most confident about and why?
Which topic in this unit has been the most challenging for you and why?
What is an example of similar triangles or polygons that you may see in the real world?

Post in the discussion with answers to these questions. Next, view posts from your classmates and respond to two of them. Do you feel confident about the same topic as your classmates? Why does this topic make sense to you? Do you share the same challenge as your classmates? If so, what can you do to overcome that challenge? Do you understand the examples your classmates provided of seeing similar triangles or polygons in the real world? Do their examples apply to your life too?

1 answer

I feel most confident about identifying similar polygons and proving that two triangles are similar. I find these topics to be straightforward and logical, and I have a good grasp of the concepts and how to apply them in different situations.

The most challenging topic for me has been finding the geometric mean. I have struggled with understanding the concept and how it is applied in solving problems involving similar triangles. I need to spend more time practicing and seeking extra help to fully grasp this topic.

An example of similar triangles in the real world could be found in architecture, such as when constructing buildings or bridges. Engineers use similar triangles to calculate the dimensions and proportions of structures to ensure stability and safety.

I understand the examples provided by my classmates and how similar triangles or polygons can be seen in the real world. Their examples make sense to me because I can see how these concepts are applied in different scenarios. I will try to apply these examples to my own life and look for similar relationships in everyday situations to deepen my understanding of the topic.