What is self-management?
Self-management is when you take care of yourself and make good choices about what you do. It means you can keep track of your things, like homework or toys, and remember to follow the rules.
How do you think self-management skills can help you now and in the future?
Self-management skills can help me do my homework on time and make sure I play nicely with my friends. In the future, it will help me be responsible and achieve my goals, like getting good grades or doing a great job at work.
What does it mean to plan ahead? Why is it important?
Planning ahead means thinking about what I need to do later, like making a list or deciding when to do my chores. It is important because it helps me stay organized and makes sure I don’t forget important things, like my friend's birthday party.
What are some ways you can plan for tasks today and in the future?
I can plan for tasks today by making a list of things to do after school, like reading a book or practicing my spelling. In the future, I can use a calendar to mark special days and make sure I am ready for big events, like my school play!