Discussing a book that involves a conflict between two characters
leads children to:
1. examine their values
2. fear confrontation
3. act out unacceptably
4. adopt the behavior of one
of the characters.
Would #1 or #4 be the most best answer?
Please help
Which of those two answers would lead children to look at behavior and what it leads to?
So the best answer would be #4,correct?
I don't think #4 is what GuruBlue had in mind when she said "look at behavior..."
My two cents: while I would like to think 1 is always right, often kids role model one of the characters. I remember playing army, and cowboys and indians as a kid. I don't think I examined my values very often, maybe I did. Perhaps in those days there were too many westerns and war stories floating around. I wonder if your text presented any research on this?
PS: when we played army, few volunteered to be Japs or Germans. Such were the times.
Examine their values.
Thank You!