Discuss your recommendation to the customer based on both mathematical reasoning and contextual details. Your discussion should include the following:
• How the algebraic evaluation and graph support the recommendation
• Any relevant contextual details that pertain to the recommendation (e.g., flexibility, distance, availability, etc.)
1. Discuss the different options and the customer’s needs.
This is what my answer is
Company A has a 10% discount for every dollar spent so the teacher only has to pay 90% of the price. This is shown in the graph with the blue curve.
Company B has a 20% discount for every dollar spent above $20, but there is no discount for anything under $20. This is shown in the graph with the red curve.
So when x is less than $40 company A’s curve is below company B’s curve so company A offers the better price for purchases below $40.
When x is greater than $40 company A’s curve is above company B’s curve so company B offers the better price for purchases above $40.
When x = 40 the curves intersect so at $40 the companies prices are the same.
The best choice for the teacher depends on the amount that he/she is going to spend. If it’s less than $40 the best choice is company A but if it’s more than $40 company B is the best choice.
Company A is y = .90x. So .90(40) is 36 so when x is less than 40 company A’s price is lower which is the better price for purchases.
Company B is y =x when x is less than or equal to $20. So 40 = 40. This is at the point when the company’s prices are the same.
Company B is y = .80x + 4. So .80(40) + 4 is 36. So at this point when the teacher is purchasing $40 or more company B is the better price.
So company A is the best selection for the teacher when making small purchases and company B is for larger purchases.
Teachers Response Back:
The solution point is appropriately referenced, but the discussion lacks a specific recommendation based on the needs of the hypothetical customer. Revise to provide such a recommendation.
The two cost options are appropriately reviewed, but remember to review the needs of the customer as well.
Not Sure what else they are looking for any Suggestions?