Two external factors that impact negatively on lifestyle choices, particularly in terms of unsafe road use, are:
1. Poor infrastructure: In many places, the lack of proper road infrastructure can contribute to unsafe road use. This includes roads that are poorly maintained, lack proper signage or lighting, or do not have designated lanes for different types of vehicles. These factors can make it difficult for individuals to make safe choices while driving or walking on the road. For example, if roads do not have proper signage indicating speed limits or turns, it increases the chances of accidents or collisions. Similarly, roads without proper lighting can compromise visibility during nighttime, increasing the risk of accidents. Poor infrastructure can deter individuals from choosing active modes of transportation, such as walking or cycling, thus affecting their lifestyle choices negatively.
2. Reckless driving behaviors: Another external factor that significantly impacts unsafe road use is the presence of reckless drivers on the road. This includes behaviors such as speeding, tailgating, running red lights, drunk driving, or distracted driving (e.g., using mobile phones while driving). These actions not only put the reckless driver at risk but also endanger the lives of other road users. Individuals who are cautious and abide by traffic rules may be forced to alter their lifestyle choices and limit their mobility due to fear of encountering such reckless drivers. This might involve reducing the frequency of outdoor activities, avoiding particular routes, or relying more on private vehicles instead of using public transportation or active modes of transportation.
Overall, both poor road infrastructure and reckless driving behaviors can negatively impact lifestyle choices by compromising safety on the roads and discouraging individuals from making healthy or sustainable choices in terms of transportation. It is essential for governments, organizations, and communities to address these factors and create safer road environments to support and encourage positive lifestyle choices.
Discuss two external factors that impact negatively on your life style choices namely, unsafe road use.
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