Discuss two environmental concerns associated with underground mines and two environmental concerns associated with surface mines.(4 points)

1 answer

Two environmental concerns associated with underground mines are:

1. Subsidence: Underground mining often leads to the destabilization of the ground above the mining area, causing subsidence. Subsidence can result in the sinking or collapsing of the Earth's surface, leading to the formation of sinkholes, fissures, and uneven terrain. This can not only damage infrastructure, buildings, and roads but also poses a risk to the integrity of nearby ecosystems and habitats.

2. Groundwater contamination: Underground mining operations may encounter aquifers or groundwater sources during excavation. If not properly managed, mining activities can disrupt or contaminate these water sources, leading to the release of harmful substances and pollutants into the surrounding environment. This contamination can have far-reaching impacts on local communities, ecosystems, and the availability of clean water resources.

Two environmental concerns associated with surface mines are:

1. Soil erosion and degradation: Surface mining involves the removal of large quantities of soil and vegetation, leaving vast areas exposed. The removal of vegetation and topsoil disrupts the natural erosion control provided by plants and can result in increased soil erosion and degradation. Eroded soil can then contaminate water bodies, suffocate aquatic life, and reduce the fertility of agricultural lands.

2. Habitat destruction and fragmentation: Surface mining operations often require clearing large areas of land, which can lead to significant habitat destruction and fragmentation. This loss of habitat can result in the displacement or extinction of local plant and animal species. Additionally, the fragmentation of habitats can isolate populations, hinder wildlife movement, and disrupt ecological processes such as pollination and seed dispersal.