TikTok serves as a platform for individuals to express themselves and showcase their personal identity through short videos. Users can create content that reflects their personality, interests, and experiences, allowing them to connect with others who share similar beliefs and values. This form of self-expression helps individuals cultivate a sense of self-awareness and self-identity, as they can curate their own content and present themselves in a way that aligns with their true selves.
On the other hand, TikTok also serves as a form of surveillance, as users are constantly consuming content created by others and being monitored by the platform itself. The algorithm analyzes users' behavior and preferences to tailor their feed and recommend content that aligns with their interests. This constant monitoring can be seen as a form of surveillance, as the platform collects data on users' interactions and preferences to provide a personalized experience. Users may feel a sense of being watched or surveilled while using TikTok, as their actions are being tracked and used to influence their online experience.
Overall, TikTok serves as a complex platform that addresses both personal identity and surveillance needs in users' lives, providing a space for self-expression and connection while also raising concerns about privacy and surveillance.
Discuss Tiktok as form of media adressing two needs in your own life:
1 personal identity
1 answer