Discuss the use of color and light in the Hagia Sophia.

I need help on this because I don't understand what I need to write. In the question before this I had to write about the elements of art in the Hagia Sophia and one of the elements was color. So would I write the same thing or something different?

1 answer

You could consider what it looks like when a person is inside, and the light changes as the day goes on and/or as clouds move across the sky.

This is quite interesting overall. Be sure to read all of it.
One place to help you deal with your assignment is almost half-way down the webpage where, on the right of the text, there's a photo of the inside, and this is the caption: "Sunlight coming in through the windows of the Hagia Sophia 'seemed to dissolve the solidity of the walls and created an ambience of ineffable mystery,' wrote one author." (It would be interesting to know who that author was!)

Think about how the colors and light in the cathedral are intended to look to people as they are inside. Why did the designers and builders make the walls and windows as they did?