The theme of the stubborn woman in the novel "Second Class Citizen" by Buchi Emecheta centers around the protagonist's unwavering determination to transcend the limitations imposed on her by society. Adah, the main character, faces numerous challenges and obstacles due to her gender, race, and socio-economic status. However, she refuses to be defined by these external factors and continually strives to assert her agency and pursue her dreams.
One way this theme manifests in the novel is through Adah's desire for education and knowledge. Despite growing up in a Nigerian society that devalues education for girls, Adah is determined to go to school and broaden her horizons. She faces resistance from her family, particularly her father, who believes that education is wasted on girls. However, Adah persists and eventually manages to attend school, even if she has to defy societal norms and expectations to do so.
Moreover, Adah's stubbornness is evident in her insistence on aspiring for a better life for herself and her children. She marries Francis, a Nigerian man living in London, with hopes of obtaining a better future. However, her dreams are repeatedly dashed as Francis proves to be controlling, abusive, and dismissive of her ambitions. Despite facing domestic violence and emotional abuse, Adah remains determined to secure a better life for her children, refusing to accept the status quo.
Additionally, Adah's determination can be seen in her pursuit of writing. Despite her husband's belittlement and disapproval of her writing aspirations, she continues to write and submit her work to publishers. Adah's writing becomes a way for her to express herself and reclaim her voice, enabling her to challenge the oppressive societal structures that deem her as insignificant.
Overall, through the character of Adah, the theme of the stubborn woman in "Second Class Citizen" is expressed as a strong-willed refusal to be limited or defined by societal expectations. Adah's determination to challenge patriarchal norms, pursue education, and fulfill her dreams creates a powerful narrative of resilience, hope, and empowerment.
Discuss the theme of the stubborn woman in the novel second class citizen
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