Discuss the process known as the "Four Modernizations" and how the attitude of the Chinese leaders in this area contrasted in response to the rise of democratic protests.
When Mao Zedong died in 1976, a struggle happenned between the Gang of Four and a group led by Deng Xiaoping for power. Most of the people sided with Deng rather than Mao because he took more of a practical approach to solving China's problems. He started a program called the Four Modernizations as a way to make Chins a better and more producstive society. The goals of this program were to improve agriculture, industry, science, technology, and defense as quickly as possible. The first step he took was to repair the damage done to farm production during the Great Leap Forward. Under the contract responsibilty system, which took place of communes, the government rented lands to individual farm families and each family decided for themselves what to plant. The families contracted with the government to provide a certain amount of crops at a set price. Once the contract was fulfilled, they could sell the extra crops at the market.
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