Discuss the possible communication methods between the officer and his/her agency.

8 answers

This is your assignment. What are your questions about your assignment?
Discuss the possible communication methods between the officer and his/her agency.
Analyze the information available to the Miami Police Department and the flow of information from California to Florida.
Explain at least four ways that this information is shared between local and/or federal agencies.
Summarize the results of your evaluation of what crimes Uncle Bob could be charged with and the ability of the police agency in Florida to obtain this information.
If all you do is post your entire assignment, with no evidence of thinking on your part, nothing will happen since no one here will do your work for you.

But if you are specific about what you don't understand about the assignment or exactly what help you need, someone might be able to assist you. Ask specific questions!
What is your difficulty with this assignment? It sounds as if you had a case study that you were supposed to analyze and make conclusions. We can't answer those questions for you, nor do your thinking. We certainly don't have access to the case study, and if we did, each tutor here would have their OWN individual analysis and conclusions. That is the nature of analysis....there is no right single answer.
Do your case study, I don't really know what you need from us.
Summarize the results of your evaluation of what crimes Uncle Bob could be charged with and the ability of the police agency in Florida to obtain this information.

This is what it gets me confused?
Summarize = tell in fewer words than telling the whole story

the results of your evaluation = After you evaluated Uncle Bob's crimes, what did you conclude?

of what crimes Uncle Bob could be charged with = fairly obvious if you have read and studied your case study correctly

and the ability of the police agency in Florida to obtain this information. = can "the police agency in Florida" get the information they need about Uncle Bob's crimes? How? If not, why not?
I know its confusing because they don't really tell what Uncle Bob has done. I am finding the same difficulty. This website was of no help.
I would like to mention, really rude answers.