Liberia has faced many challenges in recent years, which have contributed to the rise in armed robbery cases. One of the main causes of armed robbery in the country is unemployment. With a high unemployment rate, many individuals turn to crime as a means of survival and to support themselves and their families.
Additionally, the love of money and material possessions can drive individuals to resort to armed robbery as a quick way to acquire wealth. This greed for money can lead individuals to commit violent crimes without consideration for the consequences.
Moreover, the lack of support systems in Liberia, such as social services and job training programs, leaves many individuals feeling hopeless and without options for improving their situations. This can push people towards criminal activities as a way to cope with their struggles.
Furthermore, the lack of education in Liberia can also contribute to the prevalence of armed robbery. Without opportunities for education and skills training, individuals may find themselves unable to secure legitimate employment and may turn to crime as a means of survival.
Family pressure and early marriage can also play a role in driving individuals towards armed robbery. In some cases, individuals may feel pressured by their families to provide financial support, leading them to resort to criminal activities. Additionally, early marriage can force individuals into adult responsibilities before they are ready, leading them to seek out illegal means of earning money.
Peer pressure can also influence individuals to engage in armed robbery, as they may be encouraged or coerced by their peers to participate in criminal activities. Finally, a wrong upbringing can also contribute to the development of criminal behavior, as individuals may not have learned proper values and morals growing up.
In order to address the issue of armed robbery in Liberia, it is important to address these underlying causes and work towards creating opportunities for education, employment, and support for individuals in need. By providing alternative pathways for individuals to improve their situations, the prevalence of armed robbery in Liberia can be reduced.
Discuss the causes of armed robbery in Liberia
Love of money
Lack of support
Lack of education
Family pressure
Early marriage
Peer pressure
Wrong bringing up
1 answer