Discuss ONE way how gender roles within a relationship could negatively affect ones self esteem

2 answers

As regards psychological health and the adaptively of gender roles, the simple fact is that, when a association between gender roles and physical and mental health is discovered, it generally points to the conclusion that the woman gender role in specific is extremely associated to lower self-respect, higher levels of neuroticism (noticeable in such traits as over-sensitivity to condemnation and denial to involve in assertive behavior), and reduced capability to cope in those persons who adhere sternly to their socially prescribed sex role. Researches have proved that females, as well as males who are considered to be extremely “feminine” on the Bem Sex Role Inventory, are much more probably in situations of job stress to use avoidance coping at the cost of other, more useful, techniques.

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Discuss one way hiw gender roles within a relationship could negatively affect an individual's self esteem