Discuss on the major battles that ethiophians fought against foriegn inviders and thier contribution of the survival of ethiophia independence in the period between the second half of 19 centuries and the second quarter of 20 centuries.

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Title: Major Battles in Ethiopian History: Contributions to Independence in the 19th and 20th Centuries

Ethiopia, known as Abyssinia during the period in question, faced numerous foreign invasions between the second half of the 19th century and the second quarter of the 20th century. These invasions threatened Ethiopian independence and sovereignty. However, the Ethiopian people valiantly fought against these external aggressors in a series of major battles. This essay aims to shed light on seven pivotal battles that significantly contributed to Ethiopia's survival and independence during this era.

1. Battle of Adwa (1896):
One of the most significant victories in Ethiopian history, the Battle of Adwa, fought against Italy, marks a turning point for the continent. Emperor Menelik II led Ethiopia's troops, which comprised a formidable combination of regional forces and skilled warriors. On March 1, 1896, the Ethiopian army successfully repelled Italian colonizers, ensuring Ethiopia remained the only uncolonized African nation. This victory had global repercussions, inspiring other colonized nations to fight for their freedom.

2. Battle of Chelenqo (1887):
The Battle of Chelenqo was a remarkable defense mounted by Emperor Yohannes IV against Sudan's Mahdist forces. The Sudanese Mahdia, led by Khalifa Abdullahi, sought to expand their control over Ethiopia. Yohannes IV skillfully organized his loyal forces, demonstrating his military prowess and successfully repelling the foreign invaders. This victory played a crucial role in preserving Ethiopia's territorial integrity, as well as maintaining independence in the face of external aggression.

3. Battle of Adigrat (1941):
In 1936, Fascist Italy, under the leadership of Benito Mussolini, invaded Ethiopia using modern weaponry, including chemical weapons. Ethiopia's Emperor Haile Selassie I, who had been forced into exile, rallied his compatriots and sought international support. With the assistance of the British Empire, Ethiopian patriots recaptured the town of Adigrat on April 6, 1941, marking a turning point in the struggle for independence. This victory dealt a significant blow to Italian occupation forces, leading to their eventual expulsion from the country.

4. Battle of Maichew (1941):
One of the final battles in the resistance against Italian occupation, the Battle of Maichew was waged in 1941 between Ethiopian forces and fascist Italy's remaining troops. On March 31, 1941, Ethiopian patriots, alongside the British Commonwealth forces, outnumbered and defeated the Italians in the strategic town of Maichew. This victory significantly weakened the occupiers, who eventually surrendered, catalyzing the liberation of the entire nation.

5. Battle of Maychew (1988):
The Battle of Maychew, part of the Second Ethiopian Civil War (1974-1991), was fought between the Ethiopian government forces and the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). The EPRDF aimed to overthrow the dictatorship of Mengistu Haile Mariam and establish a democratic government. The battle, which began in November 1988, resulted in the Ethiopian government's loss and furthered the EPRDF's progress towards their goal of establishing a more inclusive and democratic regime.

6. Battle of Amba Aradam (1936-1937):
Another crucial battle in the resistance against Italian occupation, the Battle of Amba Aradam showcased the Ethiopian people's resilience. Over the course of several months, Ethiopian troops under the leadership of Emperor Haile Selassie I, despite being significantly outnumbered and outgunned, valiantly defended the mountain fortress of Amba Aradam against the better-equipped Italian invaders. Although ultimately defeated, this battle demonstrated the Ethiopian people's unwavering spirit and determination, leading to international support for their fight against colonial aggression.

7. Battle of Shire (1941):
The Battle of Shire was a key conflict during the Ethiopian resistance against Italian occupation. Ethiopian patriots, with the support of British forces, launched a counteroffensive against the Italians, leading to a decisive victory in the town of Shire on April 18, 1941. This battle marked a turning point in the resistance and paved the way for the complete liberation of Ethiopia from Italian occupation.

The major battles Ethiopia fought against foreign invaders between the second half of the 19th century and the second quarter of the 20th century played a crucial role in the country's survival and independence. The victories at battles such as Adwa, Adigrat, Maichew, and Shire demonstrated the Ethiopian people's unwavering courage, determination, and military prowess. These battles were milestones in Ethiopian history, foiling the ambitions of external aggressors and inspiring other colonized nations across the globe. Through strong leadership, international alliances, and collective resilience, Ethiopia preserved its independence and sovereign identity, leaving a lasting legacy in the annals of African history.