Discuss, in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Edwards’ description of God’s wrath and Edwards’ use of the metaphors of storm and thunder, flood and fire. CAN SOMEONE CHECK MY ANSWER TO SEE IF I ANSWER THE QUESTION RIGHT PLEASE
The representations in the story are utilized to reflect or bring out a few implications. What's more this implications are: the point at which he utilized the surge, it could be said that the author utilized the surge to bring the impression or the picture on how the fury of God is similar to extraordinary pools of water that are quickly dammed up. They expand an increasing amount, and ascent increasingly elevated, until an outlet is found. Also the more drawn out the water is kept down, the more quick and compelling is its course when it is let detached. As such uses the examination of His displeasure to the weight of surge waters behind a dam, developing until they can never again be held.
In the second illustration, the God that held them over the pit of damnation, much as one holds an arachnid or some other monstrous bug over the blaze, this shows how he hates them, and is appallingly incited. The expression flame is utilized to express how Gods resentment is smoldering because of the deeds that the human conferred after rather than them going about as Godly, they were similar to the children of the fiend. He looks upon you as deserving of nothing else yet to be thrown into the blaze. Likewise it is to show how the ruler is pardoning 'with the exception of that God's hand has held you up'.
He likewise utilizes this to contrasts His fury with a storm; there are dark billows of God's rage now hanging specifically over your heads, brimming with the loathsome storm, and huge with thunder; and were it not for the limiting hand of God, it would promptly blast forward upon you
1 answer
Which representations?
What are the implications?