Discuss scientific and technical concepts related to materials science. Use the manufacturing of one of the following materials as the basis for your response:
I choose plastics manufactures reuse plastic containers on a daily basis, the city also provie containers for the plastic and other goods that can be reused. Muller, Mark K; Majerus, John N. Polymer Engineering and Science; Newtown Vol. 42, Iss. 7, (Jul 2002): 1580.
States that plastic bottles can help with roadside collisions. And analysis-of-- variance was used to identify the most significant factors in energy absorption, or the impact that if the bottles are filled with a substance then the impact would help with roadside collusions. The study was that commercially available plastic bottles, when filled with the appropriate filler materials, are capable of absorbing significant amounts of crush energy. This test is used to provide information that can keep a car from colliding into a guard rail, light poles, block –outs. The study suggests that the plastic bottles are found in land fields, lakes and mostly on the side of the roads and everywhere else. The plastic bottles can be used to help with car safety issues.
Discuss how materials science has advanced to the stage where materials can be engineered to fit a specific purpose. When addressing the issues of plastic that can be reused in road blocks, or used for guard rails or roadside collusions can possible save a person’s life, with the bottles filled with soft material when having a wreck or sliding and hitting a guard rail.
Provide an example of an application or object that is made of materials specifically engineered for that purpose.
Discuss how materials science has advanced to the stage where materials can be engineered to fit a specific purpose.
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