The core principle of controlling communication privacy through privacy rules means that individuals have the ability to set boundaries and decide what information they want to share with whom. In the context of WhatsApp groups, this can be achieved by setting group privacy settings, such as limiting who can add you to groups or who can see your profile picture and status updates.
An example from my own experience is when I was added to a WhatsApp group without my consent. I was able to leave the group and adjust my privacy settings to prevent being added to groups without my permission in the future.
2. We co-own our information
This principle highlights the idea that individuals have joint ownership of the information they share, and should have a say in how it is managed. In the context of WhatsApp groups, this can be applied by being respectful of other members' preferences and boundaries when sharing information in the group.
For example, in a WhatsApp group I am a part of, we have agreed that personal information shared within the group should not be shared outside of the group without the individual's consent. This practice respects each member's co-ownership of their information.
3. We have the right to choose whether to disclose or protect our private information
This principle emphasizes the importance of autonomy in deciding what information to share and what to keep private. In the context of WhatsApp groups, this can be put into practice by respecting individual members' decisions to share or withhold information.
One practical example from my experience is when a sensitive topic was being discussed in a WhatsApp group. Some members expressed discomfort in sharing their opinions openly in the group, and they were respected for their decision to keep their thoughts private. This choice to disclose or protect private information should always be honored in group communication.
Discuss Core principles of communication privacy management referring to experience with WhatsApp groups and provide practical example for each principles from owb experiences:
1. We control this through privacy rules
1 answer