Discuss and evaluate best practices through engaging in literature review in order to document report on the influence of technology as external determinant on the education system of South Africa, Kenya and Botswana

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Education plays a very crucial role in the development of any nation. The quality of education offered to learners determines the level of intellectualism, productivity, and creativity that the society will have. There is a growing concern among scholars, researchers, and policymakers about the impact of technology on the education system in Africa. This essay will review the existing literature on the influence of technology as an external determinant on the education system of South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana. Additionally, the essay will evaluate the best practices identified in the reviewed literature and will provide recommendations for improving the integration of technology in the education systems of these countries.

Influence of technology on the education system:

Technology has brought about significant changes in the education system of many countries in Africa. This has been particularly evident in the integration of e-learning and digital libraries in the education systems of South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana. According to Peter (2017), the introduction of technology in these countries has led to an increased access to educational materials for both learners and educators. The use of digital libraries has made books and other learning materials readily available, which has significantly reduced the cost of education. The integration of technology has also enabled the education system to address issues of equity and inclusivity by promoting distance learning, which has enabled learners from different parts of the country to access education.

Additionally, technology has increased the quality of education. The integration of technology has enabled educators to use a variety of media and tools to present educational content, which has significantly enhanced the learning experience. As such, technology has fostered creativity and innovation in the education sector (Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, 2018).

Best practices for integrating technology in the education system:

There are various best practices identified in the reviewed literature that have been effective in the integration of technology in the education system. These practices include the provision of digital devices to learners, the use of online platforms for assessments, the training of teachers on technology integration, the utilisation of digital libraries, the use of social media for communication, and the establishment of partnerships between the education sector and the technology industry.

According to a study by Ayonga et al. (2019), the provision of digital devices to learners has been one of the most effective practices in South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana. This has enabled learners to access educational material at any time, and from any place. Additionally, the use of online platforms for assessments has enabled educators to evaluate learners' understanding of the content quickly. This has enabled the teachers to identify the areas that need improvement, which has significantly enhanced the learning experience.

Furthermore, the training of teachers on technology integration has been effective in enhancing their teaching skills. The use of digital libraries has been particularly effective in reducing the cost of education and promoting equity and inclusivity. According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (2018), the utilisation of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter for communication has enabled educators and learners to exchange ideas and engage in discussions.


To improve the integration of technology in the education system of South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana, there is a need to enhance the implementation of the identified best practices while addressing the challenges encountered. These challenges include inadequate infrastructure, limited access to technology, insufficient funding, and lack of trained personnel.

To address these challenges, policymakers should develop plans that promote the provision of adequate infrastructure, availability of digital devices, provision of funds for technology integration, and training of personnel. Additionally, policymakers should establish partnerships between the education sector and technology industry to enhance access to technology and foster innovation.


In conclusion, this essay has reviewed the literature on the influence of technology on the education system of South Africa, Kenya, and Botswana. It has been established that technology has brought about significant changes in the education system, including increased access to educational materials, enhanced quality of education, and the promotion of innovation and creativity. Additionally, various best practices have been identified, including the provision of digital devices to learners, the use of online platforms for assessments, the training of teachers on technology integration, the utilisation of digital libraries, and the use of social media for communication. To improve the integration of technology in the education sector, policymakers must enhance the implementation of the identified best practices while addressing the challenges encountered.