Discuss aging in America and in other countries.

What impact does it have on medical institutions?
What impact does aging have on disease prevention?
What medical situations exist now that may not have existed ten, twenty, or thirty years ago?
How will this affect global societies now and in the future?

3 answers

Are you crystal clear on what "aging" means?
Use this online dictionary to look up the meanings of ALL words you are not 100% sure of: https://www.merriam-webster.com/

You should also use Google to search for information on each of those 5 questions. Just go to https://www.google.com and enter all or part of each question. Here's an example:
I entered "impact of aging on US medical institutions" and here are the results:

Once you have a set of search results, read LOTS of them and take good notes. Do not copy and paste, though. That's plagiarism, and you could earn yourself an F or a zero for committing plagiarism.
i know, thank you
You're welcome. Go get an A!