Discuss 5 core principles in your own words

1.People believe they own ajd have a right to control their private information
2. We control this through personal privacy rules
3. When we share, others because Co-owners of information
4. Co-owners need to negotiate mutually agreeable privacy rules about telling others
5. When these boundaries aren't effectively controlled or adhered to, boundary turbulence results

1 answer

1. The first core principle is that individuals believe they have a right to own and control their private information. This means that people should have the power to decide what personal information they want to keep private and who they want to share it with.

2. Personal privacy rules are the guidelines that individuals use to control their private information. These rules outline what information is considered off-limits and what can be shared with others. By following these rules, individuals can maintain a sense of privacy and control over their personal information.

3. When individuals do choose to share their private information with others, those individuals essentially become co-owners of that information. This means that both parties have a responsibility to respect the privacy rules set by the original owner and to handle the information with care.

4. As co-owners of shared information, individuals must communicate and negotiate mutually agreeable privacy rules about who else can be told about the information. This ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and agrees on how the information should be handled and shared.

5. When boundaries around private information are not effectively controlled or adhered to, boundary turbulence can occur. This can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings, or breaches of trust between individuals. By respecting privacy rules and communication openly about shared information, individuals can avoid boundary turbulence and maintain healthy relationships.