A: When directly quoting a source:
In APA style, when directly quoting a source, you need to include the author's last name, the year of publication, and the page number(s) from which the quote is taken.
Example: "According to Smith (2019), 'direct quoting requires accurate punctuation' (p. 42)."
B: When paraphrasing:
When paraphrasing a source, you should still include the author's last name and the year of publication. However, in APA style, you do not need to include the page number(s) unless it is a direct quote.
Example: Johnson (2020) explained that paraphrasing allows writers to convey information in their own words.
C: When citing multiple authors:
If the source has two authors, cite both names using an ampersand (&) between their last names. If the source has more than two authors, include the last name of the first author followed by "et al." (which means "and others" in Latin).
Example with two authors: Smith and Johnson (2018) argued that...
Example with more than two authors: Smith et al. (2017) conducted a study that...
Remember to always include a full reference list at the end of your paper with all the sources you cited in-text.
Discribe the basics format of an A P A style in test citation and provide examples of how to properly cite sources within the test
A:. When directly quoting a source
B: when paraphrasing
C: when citing multiple authors
1 answer