1. Peter: Peter was one of Jesus' closest disciples and was often portrayed as the leader of the group. He was a fisherman by trade and was known for his impulsive and passionate nature.
2. James: James was the brother of John and was also a fisherman. He, along with Peter and John, formed part of Jesus' inner circle of disciples and witnessed several important events, such as the transfiguration.
3. John: John was the brother of James and is often referred to as the "beloved disciple." He was known for his deep love for Jesus and his role as the author of several books of the Bible, including the Gospel of John.
4. Andrew: Andrew was the brother of Peter and was also a fisherman. He is best known for being the disciple who introduced Peter to Jesus. Andrew often worked quietly in the background but played an important role in spreading the message of Jesus.
5. Matthew: Matthew, also known as Levi, was a tax collector before becoming a disciple of Jesus. He is credited with writing the Gospel of Matthew and is often associated with the theme of redemption in the Bible.
6. Philip: Philip was among the first disciples called by Jesus and was from the same town as Andrew and Peter. He is known for his practical thinking and is often associated with the story of Philip and the Ethiopian official.
7. Thomas: Thomas is often referred to as "Doubting Thomas" because of his initial doubts about Jesus' resurrection. However, he later became a faithful follower and is most remembered for his proclamation of Jesus as "My Lord and my God."
8. James the Lesser: James, also known as James the Less, is not mentioned as frequently as some of the other disciples in the Bible. However, he was chosen by Jesus and played a crucial role in spreading the message of the gospel after Jesus' death and resurrection.
9. Thaddeus: Thaddeus, also known as Lebbaeus, is mentioned in the list of disciples but not much is known about him. Some scholars believe that he may have been one of the twelve apostles, while others suggest that he may have been a different person.
10. Simon the Zealot: Simon was a zealous follower of Judaism before becoming a disciple of Jesus. The title "Zealot" suggests that he may have been associated with a radical political group that sought to overthrow the Roman rule in Judea.
11. Judas: Judas Iscariot is perhaps the most well-known of Jesus' disciples, but for the wrong reasons. He betrayed Jesus to the authorities, leading to his crucifixion. Judas' actions have made him a figure associated with treachery and betrayal.
Disciples he encountered
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