Disappointed with a 4th place tin medal in bobsledding, Burl has decided to take up curling. One of the opposing team's stones is resting on the outer edge of the house as shown below. With which speed should Burl hit the other team's rock in order to knock it out of the way and land in the middle of the target?
The target has a radius(R) of 3.65m (the rock happens to be lying such that x and y are equal distances) and the stones each have a mass(m) of 17kg. The coefficient of friction between the ice and granite stones is 0.012. Assume that Burl is able to hit the stone at the correct angle to put his rock on a straight line course to the bullseye and that his incoming stone will slide completely in the y-direction as shown.Also, assume an elastic collision.
\ | Y
R \ |
o opponent's stone
o burl's stone
Problem looks like this ibb.co/6nHQMfm