Directions: The sentences below either contain a misplaced modifier or the sentence is
correct. If the sentence is correct, write a C on your answer sheet. If the sentence contains
a misplaced modifier, write a M on your answer sheet.
1. He almost decided to eat half the pizza for supper.
2. My boyfriend made it clear why we were breaking up on Monday.
3. The paint job that they did yesterday is not dry.
4. Bo saw a deer running over a hill on his way to work.
5. The doll belongs to my cousin whose head is missing.
6. In Orlando, Stephanie purchased a wristwatch with a gold band.
7. The old woman bumped into the bench walking her dog.
8. The map that you need is in the hall closet.
9. The teacher bought a new computer in the city with a hard drive.
10. Mason called the police frightened by the eerie noise.
When you have completed each sentence, combine the letters for each answer to create your secret
code. Your secret code will be a series of letter “M” and letter “C.” Type them in order from numbers
1-10. Type the secret code in Task 4 on the Google Form in ALL CAPS!
1 answer
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. M
6. M
7. M
8. C
9. C
10. C