Directions: The sentences below either contain a dangling modifier or the sentence is
correct. If the sentence is correct, write a C on your answer sheet. If the sentence contains
a dangling modifier, write a D on your answer sheet.
1. Walking down the street, a fire engine came roaring around the corner.
2. After the dentist drilled my tooth, my cavity stopped aching.
3. To become a doctor, passion and hard work are needed.
4. When fishing, my hook is always baited.
5. Coming home late, the house was dark.
6. Thirsty and weary, the stream was a welcome sight.
7. While hurrying to class, I fell and slipped in the hallway.
8. Entering the classroom, Jessica saw the announcements on the board.
9. After releasing the report, new scores were supplied to the teachers.
10. While taking a shower, Marvin pounded on my door.
When you have completed each sentence, combine the letters for each answer to create your secret
code. Your secret code will be a series of letter “D” and letter “C.” Type them in order from numbers
1-10. Type the secret code in Task 3 on the Google Form in ALL CAPS!
1 answer
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. D
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. D
10. C