Directions: Select a specific lesson for a subject area (Science) and grade level that you think you should be able to teach when you are already a teacher in a school. Using the Kto12 Curriculum Guide for the subject, create an assessment plan for student learning by formulating learning targets that can be best assessed using alternative methods of assessment (you may focus on skills, product or affect or a combination of these learning targets). Then, propose specific nontraditional assessment tasks or activities to measure the identified leaming targets.


Specific Lesson

Learning Targets

Skils Product:

Assessment Task/Activity (Alternative)

Affective: For Skills Target

For Product Target

For Affective Target

Why use this assessment task or activity?

How does this assessment task/activity help you improve your instruction?

How does this assessment task/activity help your students achieve the intended learning outcomes?

1 answer

Subject: Science

Specific Lesson: Electric Circuits

Learning Targets:
1. Skills Target: Students will be able to construct and analyze simple electric circuits.
2. Product Target: Students will be able to design and create a functioning electric circuit using given materials.
3. Affective Target: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of electric circuits in everyday life and the impact of electricity on society and the environment.

Assessment Task/Activity (Alternative):
1. Skills Target: Students will be given a set of circuit components (e.g., bulbs, wires, batteries) and asked to construct a simple circuit following specific instructions. They will then be asked to explain how the flow of electricity is affected when the configuration of the circuit is modified.
2. Product Target: Students will be asked to design and create a circuit to power a specific device (e.g., a small toy or a simple alarm system). They will provide a written explanation of their design choices and justify why their circuit is suitable for the intended purpose.
3. Affective Target: Students will engage in a classroom discussion or debate on the ethical and environmental impacts of electricity production and consumption. They will be assessed on their ability to articulate their thoughts, consider multiple perspectives, and support their arguments with evidence.

Why use this assessment task or activity?
These assessment tasks utilize alternative methods, such as hands-on construction and discussion/debate, to assess students' understanding and application of knowledge. They go beyond traditional paper-and-pencil tests and encourage higher-order thinking and real-world connections.

How does this assessment task/activity help you improve your instruction?
These assessment tasks provide opportunities for formative assessment, allowing me to gauge students' understanding before moving on to more complex topics. They also allow me to identify common misconceptions or areas of weakness that need to be addressed in future lessons.

How does this assessment task/activity help your students achieve the intended learning outcomes?
By engaging in construction tasks, students develop proficiency in applying their knowledge of electric circuits to real-world situations. The discussion/debate activity fosters critical thinking and a deeper understanding of the broader impacts and implications of electricity use. These assessment tasks promote active learning and help students achieve the learning outcomes by providing them with opportunities to actively practice and apply their knowledge and skills.