Subject: Mathematics
Specific Lesson: Solving Systems of Equations
Grade Level: 8th grade
Learning Targets:
- Solve systems of equations using graphing, substitution, and elimination methods
- Interpret solutions to systems of equations in context
- Create a written explanation of the steps taken to solve a system of equations
- Generate a table of values and graph to represent a system of equations
- Solve real-life problems using systems of equations
- Show confidence and persistence in solving systems of equations
- Demonstrate an understanding of the usefulness of solving systems of equations in real-world contexts
Assessment Task/Activity (Alternative):
1. Skills Target:
- Have students work in pairs to solve a system of equations using graphing method. They will then present their solutions to the class through a gallery walk activity where students will analyze and compare different solution methods.
- Provide a word problem involving systems of equations and have students work individually to solve the problem using the substitution and elimination methods. Students will then share their solutions with a partner for peer evaluation and feedback.
2. Product Target:
- Assign students to create a mini-poster explaining the steps involved in solving a system of equations using the graphing method. Students should include visual representations (graph or table) to support their explanation.
- Provide a real-life scenario where a system of equations can be used. Students will work individually to create a written solution plan that includes the steps taken to solve the problem, as well as a written explanation of how the solution relates to the context of the problem.
3. Affective Target:
- During class discussions and practice sessions, have students share their strategies and successes in solving systems of equations. Encourage students to provide positive feedback and support to their peers.
- Assign a reflection activity where students write a short essay describing a real-life situation where solving systems of equations could be beneficial. Students should also explain how they feel about their ability to solve systems of equations and their level of confidence in applying this skill.
Why use this assessment task or activity?
- These assessment tasks and activities allow students to showcase their understanding and application of solving systems of equations in different contexts.
- They provide opportunities for students to work collaboratively, practice problem-solving, and communicate their solutions effectively.
- The tasks and activities also assess students' affective domain by focusing on their confidence, persistence, and understanding of the usefulness of the skill.
How does this assessment task/activity help you improve your instruction?
- By utilizing alternative methods of assessment, I can gain a more comprehensive understanding of students' mastery of the skill.
- The tasks and activities provide valuable insights into students' problem-solving strategies and areas for improvement.
- The assessment results can guide my instruction by identifying specific areas that need reinforcement or additional support.
How does this assessment task/activity help your students achieve the intended learning outcomes?
- The assessment tasks and activities provide multiple opportunities for students to apply and practice solving systems of equations.
- They promote critical thinking, communication, and collaboration skills.
- The tasks and activities help students connect the mathematical concepts to real-world contexts, enhancing their understanding and ability to apply the skill effectively.
Directions: Select a specific lesson for a subject area (field of specialization) and grade level that you think you should be able to teach when you are already a teacher in a school. Using the Kto12 Curriculum Guide for the subject, create an assessment plan for student learning by formulating learning targets that can be best assessed using alternative methods of assessment (you may focus on skills, product or affect or a combination of these learning targets). Then, propose specific nontraditional assessment tasks or activities to measure the identified leaming targets.
Specific Lesson
Learning Targets
Skils Product:
Assessment Task/Activity (Alternative)
Affective: For Skills Target
For Product Target
For Affective Target
Why use this assessment task or activity?
How does this assessment task/activity help you improve your instruction?
How does this assessment task/activity help your students achieve the intended learning outcomes?
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