Directions: Read each sentence below. Identify the word being modified. There will be one word being modified per sentence. Write the word being modified on your answer sheet.

1. While we were at the zoo, we saw angry alligators thrashing their tails in the water.
2. The dazzling dolphin put on a show at the 200.
3. Ravenous vultures flew in the sky looking for prey.
4. The trained elephant did tricks with the clown at the circus.
5. During the show, the magician pulled a brown rabbit from his hat.
6. Did you know that a sleeping bobcat is not dangerous?

Take the first letter of each answer from the sentences above and put them together to spell the secret code. The word will be SiX letters and will need to be typed in ALL CAPS on your Google Form.

5 answers

Can you make a word out of that
The word is ALLITER.
Its incorrect
I apologize for the mistake. The correct word that can be formed from the first letters of the answers is ANIMALS.