Directions: Read and analyze the following quotations. Choose the quote which best exemplifies Jomo
Kenyatta’s perspective on Kenya and Kenyan independence. Be prepared to explain your selection.
Jomo Kenyatta is considered the father of Kenya. He was born into British controlled “British East Africa,”
now Kenya. His people were forced to fight for the British in World War I and II. He led the Kenyan African
Union and later became the first president of independent Kenya.
"Europeans assume that, given the right knowledge and ideas, personal relations can be left largely to
take care of themselves, and this is perhaps the most fundamental difference in outlook between
Africans and Europeans."
- Kenyatta,1938
"You and I must work together to develop our country, to get education for our children, to have
doctors, to build roads, to improve or provide all day-to-day essentials."
- Kenyatta,1985
"To .. all the dispossessed youth of Africa: for perpetuation of communion with ancestral spirits through
the fight for African freedom, and in the firm faith that the dead, the living, and the unborn will unite to
rebuild the destroyed shrines."
- Kenyatta,1938
"Where there has been racial hatred, it must be ended. Where there has been tribal animosity, it will be
finished. Let us not dwell upon the bitterness of the past. I would rather look to the future, to the good
new Kenya, not to the bad old days. If we can create this sense of national direction and identity, we
shall have gone a long way to solving our economic problems."
- Kenyatta,1985
"Many people may think that, now there is Uhuru, now I can see the sun of Freedom shining, richness
will pour down like manna from Heaven. I tell you there will be nothing from Heaven. We must all work
hard, with our hands, to save ourselves from poverty, ignorance, and disease."
- Kenyatta,1985
"God said this is our land, land in which we flourish as people... we want our cattle to get fat on our land
so that our children grow up in prosperity; and we do not want the fat removed to feed others."
- Kenyatta,1952
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