I believe the United States was unjustified in going to war with Mexico due to several factors that highlighted aggressive motivations and disregard for Mexican sovereignty. Firstly, President James K. Polk's expansionist agenda, driven by the desire for manifest destiny, pushed the U.S. to provoke conflict rather than seek a peaceful resolution. For instance, the annexation of Texas, which Mexico still considered its territory, demonstrated a blatant disregard for diplomatic relations, creating hostility. Additionally, the incident at the Rio Grande, where U.S. troops engaged Mexican forces, reflected an escalation based on dubious claims rather than legitimate grievances. This situation suggests that the war was less about defending American interests and more about territorial expansion. Overall, these examples indicate that the war with Mexico was fueled by unjust motivations and violated the principles of respectful international relations.
Please answer the following question by writing 5-6 sentences and using 2-3 examples from the bubble map and primary sources in the previous steps. Please make sure that your responses are written in your own words. Do not copy and paste, or list, from previous steps. Write in complete sentences and paragraph form. You may use the RACES method as a guide:
Do you feel the United States was unjustified in going to war with Mexico?
Why or why not.
1 answer