Directions: In this unit, you will be writing a narrative essay. A narrative is basically a story. It can be personal using a first person point of view (me, my, I) where you are the main character in the story. Or, it can be a third person point of view (he, she, it, they) where you are an outside narrator and not part of the story. Here is an intro video on narratives.

Whichever point of view you take, the events should be told in order (beginning, middle, and end). You will need to have characters, a setting, conflict, dialogue, and a resolution/ending. To engage readers, narratives are full of descriptive details, sensory language, suspense, and dialogue. Your story can be fiction (made-up) or nonfiction (true). You can make it science fiction with robots and space travel or fantasy with talking animals. It’s YOUR story! Here is an example of my personal narrative.
If you are really stuck, here’s a Roll-a-Story graphic or some story starters to help you! Or, you can even use this prewrite packet to walk you through the story process!

To write your narrative, you will:
Brainstorm a list of ideas for a story with characters, conflict, and a setting Lesson 12
Use the graphic organizer to tell the story in sequential/chronological order.
Write your draft. (You should work on your draft but you will NOT submit a rough draft.) Lesson 13
Edit and Revise.
Submit your edited, final draft into the drop box for Unit 6 Lesson 14 (May 16th)

1 answer

I hope you enjoyed the resources and tips provided for writing your narrative essay. Remember, this is your chance to be creative and tell a story that captivates your readers. So, let your imagination run wild and have fun with it! Good luck on your writing journey, and I can't wait to read your amazing narratives!