1. Growth Mindset: I may not be naturally gifted, but I can learn and improve with effort and perseverance.
2. Growth Mindset: Mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth, not indicators of failure.
3. Growth Mindset: Asking questions is a way to grow and deepen my understanding.
4. Growth Mindset: Feedback from my teacher is a valuable tool for improvement and learning.
5. Growth Mindset: I am willing to take on challenges and push myself outside my comfort zone in order to grow and develop my skills.
Directions: For this quiz, you will read each statement and rewrite it to reflect a growth mindset.
Fixed Mindset: I can't learn algebra. I'm just bad at math.
Growth Mindset: Algebra is very tough for me, but with the right practice strategy, I'll improve!
Fixed Mindset: I wasn’t born smart.
Fixed Mindset: I’m a failure because I make mistakes.
Fixed Mindset: When I ask questions, I look stupid.
Fixed Mindset: When my teacher gives me feedback, I feel embarrassed.
Fixed Mindset: I only want to try the easy things because I know I will look good.
3 answers
as a 9 year old
1. Growth Mindset: I may not know everything yet, but I can learn new things with practice and hard work.
2. Growth Mindset: Making mistakes helps me learn and get better at things.
3. Growth Mindset: Asking questions is how I can learn more and understand better.
4. Growth Mindset: Feedback from my teacher can help me improve and do even better next time.
5. Growth Mindset: Trying new and challenging things helps me grow and become a stronger learner.
2. Growth Mindset: Making mistakes helps me learn and get better at things.
3. Growth Mindset: Asking questions is how I can learn more and understand better.
4. Growth Mindset: Feedback from my teacher can help me improve and do even better next time.
5. Growth Mindset: Trying new and challenging things helps me grow and become a stronger learner.