A Challenge Faced by a Student Athlete
As the sun began to rise over the small town of Pine Valley, Sarah Thompson laced up her running shoes and took a deep breath. Today was the day of the big regional track meet, and she was determined to make her mark. Sarah was the star runner on the high school track team, and she had been training for this moment for months.
The sky was clear, the air crisp, and Sarah felt a sense of excitement and anticipation as she joined her teammates at the starting line. The gun went off, and they were off, their feet pounding against the track in a rhythmic pattern.
Sarah was in the lead, her heart pounding in her chest as she pushed herself to go faster. She could hear the cheers of her teammates and coaches urging her on, and she felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.
But then, disaster struck. As Sarah rounded the final turn, she felt a sharp pain in her side. She gritted her teeth and pushed through the pain, but it only got worse. She stumbled, nearly falling to the ground, but managed to stay on her feet.
She could see the finish line in sight, and she knew she had to keep going. With every ounce of strength she had left, Sarah sprinted towards the finish line, her legs burning with exhaustion. As she crossed the line, she collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down her face.
Her coach rushed to her side, concern etched on his face. "Are you okay, Sarah?" he asked, helping her to her feet.
Sarah wiped away her tears and nodded, a sense of disappointment washing over her. She had pushed herself to the limit, but it wasn't enough. She had fallen short of her goal, and it hurt.
But as she looked around at her teammates, who were cheering and clapping for her, Sarah realized that she had not failed. She had given it her all, and that was all that mattered. She was a student athlete, and she was proud of the challenges she had faced and overcome.
As she walked off the track, her head held high, Sarah knew that this was just the beginning. There would be more races, more challenges, and more opportunities to prove herself. And she was ready for whatever came her way. She was a student athlete, and she was unstoppable.
Directions: For this portfolio you will be writing your own narrative story (real or imagined). It must be on one of the 4 topic choices listed below:
Topic Choices:
A challenge faced by a student athlete
How some hikers dealt with an unexpected storm
A child from a small village or town experiencing a large city for the first time
How a teenager got his town or community to do something important
Portfolio Requirements:
Must be about 1 of the 4 topics listed above
Your narrative must be your own words & ideas, 100% original
Your narrative must be at least 400 words
Your narrative must include dialogue.
Your narrative must have a clear organization, starting with the exposition & ending with a resolution. It should follow the elements of a plot diagram.
Your narrative must be submitted in MLA format.
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