When all members of the United States Senate meet, there are one hundred members present.
One day, the 8 Republicans on the judiciary committee met together while the 8 Democrats met with the remaining members of the Senate.
84 + 8 Dems in big room , 8 Repubs in other
(84+8) + 8 = 100
The next day, the entire judiciary committee met together while the rest of the Senate met.
84 + room with 8 dems and 8 repubs = 100
84 +(8+8) = 100
84 + (8 + 8) = (84 +8) + 8
That is the Associate Property
a + (b+c) = (a+b) + c
The total number of senators remains at 100.
100 = 84 + 16
DIRECTIONS:For each example cite the number property used, and explain how it is used in the problem. QUESTION:When all members of the United States Senate meet, there are one hundred members present.One day, the 8 Republicans on the judiciary committeemet together while the 8 Democrats met with the remaining members of the Senate. The next day, the entire judiciary committee met together while the rest of the Senate met. The total number of senators remains at 100.
2 answers
thanks a lot !