To find the missing numbers in the dividend 208, we'll need to analyze the division process indicated by the numbers shown.
Based on the information provided, it seems you are doing long division. The main goal is to understand the steps in the division and identify the two missing numbers.
It appears you have the dividend (the number being divided) as 208.
The divisor seems to be indicated as 14.
Start by dividing the first part of the dividend by the divisor:
- 14 goes into 20 once (1), which results in 14.
- Subtract 14 from 20, leaving a remainder of 6.
Next, bring down the next digit (an 8 from 208) to get 68.
Now divide 68 by 14:
- 14 goes into 68 four times (4), which results in 56.
- Subtract 56 from 68, leaving a remainder of 12.
Bringing down would leave you with a remainder that needs to be considered back again in context.
Without visual representation, it’s difficult to position the missing numbers in the blanks, but you may be looking for:
- The first missing number likely represents the result of dividing the first part of the dividend (20) by the divisor (14), which should be 1.
- The second missing number appears to be the quotient from dividing 68 by the divisor (14), resulting in 4.
Thus, the two missing numbers in the dividend 208 are 1 and 4.