In digital recording and transmission, signals are often encoded using various coding schemes to ensure efficient, reliable, and error-free transmission. Here are a few common methods used for encoding signals in digital systems:
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM): PCM is a method where an analog signal is sampled at regular intervals and quantized to the nearest value within a range. This results in a series of coded digital signals that can be transmitted and stored.
Manchester Encoding: This encoding scheme combines the clock and data information, making it self-synchronizing. Each bit period is divided into two halves; a transition occurs at the middle of each bit period. A logical "1" is usually represented by a high-to-low transition, while a "0" is represented by a low-to-high transition.
Differential Encoding: In differential encoding, the difference between successive signal levels is transmitted rather than the actual signal level. This is often used in data transmission methods like Differential Manchester encoding.
Huffman Coding: This is a method of lossless data compression where variable-length codes are assigned based on the frequency of occurrence of each data item. More frequent items are assigned shorter codes.
Run-Length Encoding (RLE): This technique is used for compressing data by replacing sequences of the same data value with a single value and a count. It's effective for signals with long runs of repeated values.
Shannon-Fano Coding: This is another variable-length encoding method that assigns shorter codes to more frequent values. It is a precursor to Huffman coding.
Baseband and Passband Modulation: In baseband transmission, the digital signal is transmitted over the channel directly. In contrast, passband modulation involves modulating a carrier wave with the digital signal, allowing high-frequency transmission over band-limited channels.
Error Correction Codes (ECC): Such as Reed-Solomon and Turbo codes, these are used to detect and correct errors in the transmitted data, ensuring reliable communication.
In each of these methods, the goal is to maximize the efficiency of data transmission while minimizing errors and maintaining the integrity of the original signal.