The difference between equity and equality is primarily based on the concept of fairness. Here are the main distinctions:
1. Definition: Equality refers to providing everyone with the same resources, opportunities, or treatment, regardless of their individual circumstances. On the other hand, equity recognizes that people have different needs or starting points and aims to provide each person with the necessary support to reach an equal outcome or level of success.
2. Focus: Equality focuses on treating everyone the same, whereas equity focuses on providing individuals with the resources or opportunities they specifically need to succeed.
3. Approach: Equality takes a one-size-fits-all approach, where everyone receives the same treatment, regardless of their differing circumstances or disadvantages. On the contrary, equity takes into account individual differences and seeks to address existing inequalities by providing additional support to those who need it most.
4. Outcome: Equality aims for equal treatment, while equity seeks equal outcomes or results. Equality may not necessarily ensure fairness, as it ignores existing disparities, while equity aims to eliminate these disparities and create a level playing field for everyone.
5. Implementation: Implementing equality may rely on standardized policies or practices that treat everyone identically, while equity may require tailored or targeted measures to address specific disadvantages or barriers faced by certain individuals or groups.
In summary, equality focuses on sameness, while equity focuses on fairness and aims to provide individuals with the necessary resources and support to achieve equal outcomes, taking into account their unique circumstances.
Different between inquity and equality
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