difference between physiological and psychological needs.

I am confused on this question I have been studing the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
I am assuming this so If I am getting this wrong please explain to me the difference.
The Maslow theory gave 5 needs they are at the bottom The physiological needs which are the basic needs every one has to have a live such as air water and food with out these needs the psychological needs can not be meet which are safety , belonging,esteem and self actualiztion

Would someone please if i getting the understanding please explain

2 answers

you have them right, according to Maslow. A number of folks think he got it wrong, but you can argue that in graduate school, as I did at USC.
psychological are mental and phsiological are physical

maslow just said we strive for greater satisfaction. Once primary needs are met we strive to full our inner desires ?

so for example. If your poor then your basic needs are not met so you cant pursue your inner desires like finding rewarding work.