Difference between Atomic spectrum and emission spectrum. First give me the clear cut definition of both and then the difference!!!
10 answers
As commonly used, there are no differences.
No differences but give the definition of both
Can u plz b respectful!! It's not nice to act so rudely
@ Sonia i'm not being rude it's ur thinking and this forum is to ask questions n not to judge someone's behaviour or emotions
My answer please!!!
Ya well in case u don't no, the web site is called "jiskha math HELP" not give me the answer!! Ur Sikh, give the respect that u have been taught! I don't want to fight with u or n e thing, but these toturs spend there valuable time to help us, not to b bossed around, it's ur choice to listen to this, but....... If u keep this up, ur not going to get n e where in life!!!!!!!!
*jiskha homework help!
So what can i do and please keep your lecture to yourself. I also know aht u wrote!!! And please help me and don't give moral lecture. N i didn't insult or make fun of anyone i just wanted help which i didn't get because you wrote something else out here!!!
Um ok so ur sayin that is my falt that u didn't get help?