Die Stadt Unit Exam - Unit 1 Lesson 17 - German 1 B
1. Translate into German: He would like to swim.
2. Translate into German: We should go.
3. Translate into German: She must buy fruit.
4. Translate into German: He can run.
5. Translate into German: They want ice cream.
6. Translate into German: You all must study.
7. Translate into German: She would like to eat.
8. Translate into German: May I drive?
9. Translate into German: She wants to watch TV.
10. Translate into German: He doesn’t like coffee.
for this you have to listen to something and its supposed to be the response, so you can only help if you have taken this test already.
Respond to each German phrase with a logical response
1. Ich fahre zu bank
2. Wir möchten obst
3. In der stadt
4. Ja, wir essen gerne Eis
5. Es gibt viel Verkehr
6. Wir gehen ins Kino
7. Sie liest Bücher gern
8. Ich laufe gern
9. Auf dem Land
10. Ich brauche Geld
21. Create a conversation in which two people discuss two advantages and two disadvantages of living in a city. One person prefers to live in the city and the other person prefers the country. Include at least one statement about each of the following: desire, obligation, and ability. In each sentence statement use a modal verb learned in this unit.
1 answer
1 - B
2 - C
3 - C
4 - D
5 - B
6 - B
7 - A
8 - A
9 - B
10 - B
i just need the other ones