Did I answer the question correctly?
My answer was: “The way the feudal system in Europe worked is that the Lord would grant land to a vassal in exchange for loyalty and military servers. The serfs/peasants, who worked the land, would owe labor and produce to the vessels in return for the protection, and the use of land.”
3 answers
Yes, you answered the question correctly by explaining how the feudal system in Europe worked. You mentioned the roles of the Lord, vassals, and serfs/peasants and how they interacted within the system. Your response provides a clear understanding of the dynamics of feudal society in Europe.
Did I answer the question correctly?
My answer was: One outcome of the Agricultural revolution is the transition from hunter-gatherer economies to settled agricultural communities. I think that outcome is important because it led to the development of permanent settlements, increased food production, and a more reliable food supply.
My answer was: One outcome of the Agricultural revolution is the transition from hunter-gatherer economies to settled agricultural communities. I think that outcome is important because it led to the development of permanent settlements, increased food production, and a more reliable food supply.
Yes, you answered the question correctly. You identified an important outcome of the Agricultural Revolution, which was the transition from hunter-gatherer economies to settled agricultural communities. You also explained why this outcome was significant, citing the development of permanent settlements, increased food production, and a more reliable food supply. This demonstrates a good understanding of the impact of the Agricultural Revolution on human societies.