Yes. These sites tell about at least two of the WW II battles in which Canadians participated in France.
You can probably find more by Googling Canadians WWII France
Did any Canadians participate in the Battle of France?
7 answers
I've been pondering why the Canadian military was kept in Britain until relatively late in the war. But it makes sense. The British soldiers were fighting on the continent, leaving their homeland under-defended. Since the Canadians could blend in better with the British population than any other nationality, it was logical to keep them in Britain to defend against a possible invasion -- that at that time seemed entirely possible. U.S. troops didn't blend in with the British as well, partly because as the saying went -- "The Yanks are overpaid, oversexed, and over here!"
Thanks so much
Thanks so much
I know that Canada has its own independent unit but did most sites say the British Expeditory Force. Are the Canadian Divisons included in that?
It always seems to be Brisitsh Expeditory Force and nothing about the Canadian Divisions.
It always seems to be Brisitsh Expeditory Force and nothing about the Canadian Divisions.
Apparently the Canadian divisions remained separate from the British, although they fought side-by-side.
I ran across this site that states that some Canadian forces were in France before the fall of Dunkirk. The other site has links to many articles about Canadians in WWII.
I ran across this site that states that some Canadian forces were in France before the fall of Dunkirk. The other site has links to many articles about Canadians in WWII.
Thanks so much =]]]
You're welcome. :-)