did an ai write this

Okay, so, you've probably heard the story of Romeo and Juliet, right? You know, the whole star-crossed lovers thing? Well, have you ever wondered the true culprit of their deaths? Well I think I might know who. His name, Friar Lawrence. First of all, this guy married Romeo and Juliet secretly, even though he knew it was a terrible idea. I mean, their families were mortal enemies! But did he listen? Nope! He just did it anyway. Like, come on, couldn't he have just said no and come up with a better plan for them to be together? It would've been way smarter, and would have caused way less problems. Oh but it gets worse. When Romeo kills Juliet's cousin Tybalt, and gets banished, Romeo went to the friar for help. Now, you'd think the friar would tell Romeo to own up to his actions, right? Nope again! Instead, he comes up with this insane plan to fake Juliet's death, so they can have their happy ending. Guess what? That plan backfired big time and both of them ended up dead. If Friar had just told Romeo to face the consequences, things might have turned out differently. But no, he had to come up with this harebrained scheme. When Juliet wakes up in the tomb and finds Romeo dead, she goes to the friar for help. And you know what? He abandons her! He doesn't do anything to save her or guide her or anything. It's like he bailed on her when she needed him the most. Like, seriously, what kind of friend does that? Oh, and let's not forget about the friar's biggest blunder sending someone else to deliver the message to Romeo about Juliet's fake death. And what happens? That guy couldn't do it because of some stupid problem, and Romeo thinks Juliet is really dead. If the friar had just told Romeo himself or came up with a different plan, none of this would've happened. My point is Friar Lawrence is totally at fault for Romeo and Juliet's tragic end. He shouldn't have secretly married them, he should've told Romeo to face the music, he should've been there for Juliet, and he shouldn't have messed up with the messages. If he had just done things differently, maybe Romeo and Juliet would've lived happily ever after.

1 answer

It is uncertain whether an AI wrote this text or if it was written by a human.