Determine whether each of the following expressions is equivalent to x83

(4 points)
Yes No
Yes – the fraction with numerator open paren cube root of x close paren to the 0 power and denominator open paren cube root of x squared close paren to the negative 4 power
No – the fraction with numerator open paren cube root of x close paren to the 0 power and denominator open paren cube root of x squared close paren to the negative 4 power
Yes – 8th root of x cubed
No – 8th root of x cubed
Yes – open paren open paren cube root of x close paren to the 4th power close paren squared
No – open paren open paren cube root of x close paren to the 4th power close paren squared
x4 −−−√3⋅ x4 −−−√3
Yes – x4 −−−√3⋅ x4 −−−√3
No – x4 −−−√3⋅ x4 −−−√3

1 answer

No – x4 −−−√3⋅ x4 −−−√3