Determine whether 300 is divisible by a perfect square? My answer is no but it is wrong . Why?

5 answers
the link isn't help and I still don't know how to solve for it.
Did you really click on that link? If you did, did you read it? I don't think you did. I clicked on that link and it says "300 is not a perfect square number" and I thought you might like to see that someone else agreed with you. The link will tell you that there is no number that when squared is 300. Go to Google and read more than that one site and see what other sites tell you. The ones I look at said that 25 is a perfect square because 5^2 = 25; 49 is a perfect square because 7^2 = 49 etc/
300 is divisible by 25, which is a perfect square
Which just goes to show you that not everything you read on the Internet is correct.