Determine the total possible number of orbitals and electrons for both 2s and 2p.

What is the maximum number of electrons per orbital? How are their spins related?

In this question i don't get how the spins are related?

1 answer

In every orbital there CAN be two electrons (no more than two but they may have only one).
How are they related: They are the negative of each other; i.e., one has a spin of +1/2 and the other (if there is another) has a spin of -1/2.
Not to confuse you but most freshman texts only talk about the spin of +1/2 or -1/2 and they DON'T mention that this has been simplified because the units are h/2*pi. So the spin of one electron is 1/2*h/2*pi = h/4*pi and the other is -h/4*pi.